Drinking Enough Water…. Something I can be HORRIBLE at!
I hope everyone had a fantastic long weekend! Today you’re probably getting back into the swing of things… or at least trying. Eating healthy again, maybe detoxing from all the beer you drank… I’m not judging.
A couple weeks ago I shared with you guys the reasons I love Mondays . Included in this were my plans to kick off my Monday with a bang to really set the tone for the rest of the week. One of those things I planned on was making myself drink 3 litres of water a day.
As much as I know how important it is to stay hydrated, it’s something I can be very bad at. I swear, there are days I drink more wine than water (now, YOU don’t judge). It’s not always easy.
For myself, I find it’s the worst when I’m working. I work in the restaurant industry, and for those of you who work or have worked in the same industry, you know we don’t get breaks and sometimes it can be 3 hours after you realize you have to pee, that you actually get too. It’s sick, but at times you almost have to keep yourself dehydrated.
It also doesn’t help that you’re probably in a very hot building, running around for a minimum for 5 hours. You’ve probably forgotten to bring water refills to at least one of your tables, let alone yourself.
We can’t always be the healthiest all the time. But because this is something I know I can really suck at, I’ve set a few systems in place that REALLY help me to drink my recommended daily intake of water. (I try to drink 3 litres to make up for the extra running around and that glass of wine I enjoy most nights) Maybe they can help you too!
Keep a water bottle with you at all times
Whether it’s in your bag when you’re on the go, or on your desk at work, keeping a bottle of water close by at all times will make it easier for you to remember to drink up. Buy yourself a cute one! You’ll be more likely to carry it around with you and it saves spending $$$ on bottled water. (How cute is this one from S’Well !?)
Naturally flavour your water
Sometimes you need a little extra flave. If that’s what helps you sip on that last bottle of H2O for the day, do it! Don’t go adding powders that are filled with chemicals though. I love to add just a few lemon slices and some mint. Like something a little sweet? Strawberries and basil! Remember a few years ago when flavoured water was a big thing? Yeah, I still do that from time to time. You can even buy water bottles with an infuser attached.
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Okay, this is what absolutely works for me the best! Time blocking. I like to set goals. And I need deadlines. SO, this system REALLY works for me. Here’s what I do:
Because my goal is to drink 3L of water a day, I set 3 time increments.
The first one being lunch. I tell myself I have to drink 1 litre before lunch. Think about it. That gives you at least a few hours to get that litre in.
Then I drink one more before I go to work (typically 5 O’clock), or for you it might be end of the work day or dinner time.
And then 1 more litre before bed.
This way, you’re not unnecessarily chugging water. You’re not cramming it all in before bed, thus keeping you up all night. And you’re also not as likely to forget.
If you can be as forgetful as me when it comes to remembering your water, I really hope these tips help you. If you have any tips of your own, let me know in the comments below! I’d love to hear them!