Some Big Changes for our Little Family <3
Some exciting news for our little family!
Tyler, Lily, and I will be moving from the Yukon to Nova Scotia in…well… just over month now.
That’s ACROSS THE COUNTRY. Corner to corner. Seriously.
Look at this pretty little place.
I sure am gonna miss these views.
But holy crap am I ever excited! I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a littler terrified. But mostly excited.
Tyler is from Nova Scotia and oddly enough… my family moved to the Yukon from there before I was born, so I spent a lot of time there as a kid. It’s been almost 15 years since I was last there though.
We’ve talked before about moving there (Tyler has always really wanted to) but I kept putting the kibosh on those conversations. It’s a little terrifying. I have no problem with change… in fact, I LOVE change. Always have. It’s more the instability I was afraid of, especially with a family now. And giving up all the things we’ve worked so hard for.
But I got to a place where I really truly think this is the right move. Nothing in particular changed. Just the timing I guess.
It’s kind of funny really. We were planning on heading out that way for Tyler’s best friend’s wedding in the fall and it’s SUCH a long ways to go! And we’d have a lot of people to see so we figured we’d stay a month at least.
Then, randomly, just kind of joking around we were like “let’s just stay there and not come back”… both kind of shrugged…. and got the ball rolling from there.
Just like that our minds were made up. All. About. Timing.
Our little family just REALLY needed a change like this. As up-in-the-air as everything still kind of is, I feel like Tyler and I have been so at peace and relaxed and excited since making the decision. π
(This view is a 5 minute walk from my house. Sick, right?)
We don’t exactly have the most definite plans yet either which is so unlike me! I’ve always been a planner, a preparer, an overthinker. I’ll be working and I’m considering going back to school… but who knows! I’ll figure that out when I get there.
Most of all I’m really excited to share the journey with everyone! I’ll definitely be taking you guys along for the ride. I’m hoping for this change to really bring a new layer to the blog. (we’re driving half way across the country with Lily and I’m flying the rest with her… so I’m sure I’ll have some stories for you guys π )
If there’s anything you’d like me to share or document for you guys, please let me know!